Our faculty celebrates 15 years since its establishment
The celebrations of the 15th anniversary since the establishment of the Faculty of Science at the J. E. Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem started on first of November.
Faculty, which is a part of University J. E. Purkyně in Ústí nad Labem (UJEP), was established 4th November 2005. A look back to 15 years ago shows how the faculty was actually created. In 2005 took place a fundamental transformation of so far, the largest Faculty of Ústí nad Labem, the Faculty of Education UJEP. This faculty was divided into two institutions, the Institute of Sciences, and the Institute of Humanities, which became full-fledged faculties soon after that. The Institution of Science became faculty in the same year and at that time was in its leadership Stanislav Novák (Department of Physics).

For almost 15 years, faculty shared its seat with the Faculty of Education in the building of a Czech pre-war grammar school in České mládeže street. However in 2020, when it celebrates its 15th anniversary, it obtained a completely new representative office and during the summer months was moved to the very centre of the university campus, to the newly built Centre for Natural Sciences and Technologies (CPTO). Which fully meets modern requirements not only for teaching but also for research and other creative activities.
At the time of its “square” celebrations, the Faculty of Science already has 8 parts – the Departments of Biology, Physics, Geography, Chemistry, Informatics and Mathematics, the Material Centre in Ústí nad Labem and the Centre for Promotion of Science Education. At the time of its establishment, 378 students entered the study at Faculty of Science at UJEP, and now in 2020 almost a thousand of them are studying at the faculty.
The Dean of the Faculty Michal Varady evaluates the past period as follows: “It is necessary to remember that behind everything that the faculty has achieved during the 15 years of its existence, of which we are rightly proud, are people who have given meaning to the faculty through their honest work, be they, academic staff, students, or other faculty staff. Many thanks to everyone for that.”
In just 15 years of its existence, the UJEP Faculty of Science has come an admirable journey and has managed to establish itself in the highly competitive environment of other natural-science-oriented faculties in Czechia, which have usually an advantage of their long history. The faculty repeatedly proves its quality in the accreditation process, where it manages to obtain accreditation for new study programs at all levels of study from bachelor’s to doctoral, and also in obtaining and successfully solving several research projects in a diverse range of disciplines, which are represented at the Faculty of Science.
“I do not hide my tribal affiliation with our Faculty of Science and in any case, I consider its celebrations to be my own and it is not only because of that. In just 15 years, the Faculty of Science has built up a fundamental position not only within our university but also in comparison with other similarly focused faculties in Czechia. Our successful scientific teams and projects are generated from its academic staff. Its graduates that absolvents will find great jobs without any problems and the study at the faculty is repeatedly positively evaluated by the students themselves, for example in a poll of the Faculty of the year. I wish the faculty, its staff, students and graduates a lot of success in the future,” says the rector of UJEP Martin Balej.