IT Support
The Faculty of Science provides basic IT support for its students and employees, which goes beyond the support guaranteed by the Centre of Informatics UJEP (CI UJEP). This support is organised by the Centre for Infrastructure Technologies and the High-Performance Computing Board.
Centre for Infrastructure Technologies (CIT)
As a division of the Department of Informatics at the Faculty of Science, it manages information technologies in the CPTO building, i.e. technologies such as the server room, computer classrooms, staff computer equipment and audiovisual systems for the Faculty of Science and Faculty of Environment, and manages other technologies in cooperation with CI UJEP.
> submitting CIT requests: cit@rt.ujep.cz
High-Performance Computing Board (HPCB)
HPCB is an advisory board of the Dean of the Faculty of Science. The main mission of the HPCB is facilitating operation and development of facultyʼs computational infrastructure for high-performance computing (HPC), in compliance with the educational and R&D strategies of the faculty.
> more information about the Boardʼs activities with contacts to its members