Department of Physics
Department webpage: https://www.physics.ujep.cz
RNDr. Eva Hejnová, Ph.D.
Head of the Department
Room: CPTO 2.01
Phone: +420 475 28 6621
Lydie Kováčová
Administrative Officer
Room: CPTO 2.04
Phone: +420 475 28 6622
The role of the Physics Department is to educate and train students in Bachelor’s of Science, Master’s of Science and PhD study programmes, and to promote scientific and research activities and cooperation with companies and specialized institutes not only in Czechia but also abroad.
Education provided by the department focuses on preparation of future experts in computer modelling, nanotechnologies and preparation of future teachers of physics. At the department, students can study a Bachelor’s single-subject programme specialized on computer modelling or experimental methods in physics. Computer modelling can be also studied in the recently innovated study programme Computer Modelling in Science and Technology. In a two-subject Bachelor’s programme, students can study physics in combination with another subject. The department also provides training in the multidisciplinary Bachelor’s programme Applied Nanotechnology in cooperation with other parts of the faculty. Students can proceed with the MSc programmes Applied Nanotechnology or Computer Modelling in Science and Technology. They can further extend and deepen their knowledge and scientific abilities in PhD study programmes. The study programme Teaching of Physics for Secondary Schools prepares future teachers.
Scientific and creative activity of the department is realized in several fields. In the field of nanotechnology, the research focuses on development of new materials and nanomaterials with the application of plasma technologies. In the field of computer modelling, computer methods and simulations are used for a wide range of problems, from the development of new materials, chemical engineering, processes in the solar atmosphere, to prediction of structures and properties of biomolecular systems. In the field of teaching physics, the research is focused on evaluation of physics education at primary schools, formation of exercises and tests and development of pupils’ scientific thinking.
Employees of the department are involved in a number of national and international teams and projects. Students of the MSc and PhD programmes are also successfully involved in scientific and research activities, they can work in fully equipped laboratories under the supervision of experienced department employees. The department offers a wide range of study and work visits, which allows students to gain experience in companies and research institutes not only at universities in Czechia but also abroad.