Centre for Promotion of Science Education
Research centre web page: https://cppv.ujep.cz/
doc. PhDr. Kateřina Jančaříková, Ph.D.
Head of the Centre for Promotion of Science Education (CPSE)
Room: ZV-204
E-mail: katerina.jancarikova@ujep.cz
Centre for Promotion of Science Education (CPSE) was founded on March 1st, 2020 as the eighth part of the UJEP Faculty of Science. The Centre’s founding was initiated by the need for interdisciplinary cooperation in the field natural science didactics and needs of primary and secondary schools in the Ústí nad Labem region.
The aim of the Centre is to support the activities of the faculty that are directed at supporting science education, training future teachers of biology, chemistry, physics, geography, IT and mathematics, and to promote these disciplines to the public and schools in Ústí nad Labem region.
The academic staff of the Centre provide teaching of didactic subjects, in which they focus on the development of theoretical and practical skill of prospective teachers and participate in the organization and realization of teaching practices. When teaching, they use the facilities and modern equipment of the departments where they also work.
The academics also work on research and development projects in the field of natural science didactics, publish in didactically oriented journals, cooperate in the creation of textbook and teaching materials for primary and secondary school, and organize seminars for pupils, students, and teachers. They participate in the organization of summer schools, professional competitions, and academic Olympics. They communicate with representatives of faculty schools and other participants in education and are actively involved in professional organizations focused on science education.