Department for External Relations
Among other things, Department for External Relations (public relations) manages the agenda of the Faculty’s relations with the public, media, private and state institutions. It ensures and coordinates public relation with the media, organizes, coordinates and record promotional or presentation events of the faculty.

Ing. Lenka Bauerová
Public Relations
Department: Faculty of Science, Deanʼs Office
Room: CPTO 8.10, Phone: +420 475 28 6658, E‑mail:

RNDr. Regina Herma, Ph.D.
Vice-dean for External and International Relations
Department: Faculty of Science, Deanʼs Office
Room: CPTO 8.11, Phone: +420 475 28 6663, E‑mail:

Kateryna Leonová
Graphic Designer
E‑mail: —

Veronika Míčová
Assistant (social networks)
E‑mail: —