About Faculty of Science
The Faculty of Science at Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem is the second youngest faculty of the university. Its history goes back to the spring of 2005 when the Institute of Science was established at UJEP. On the 4 November 2005, the Institute was transformed into Faculty. Since that time the Faculty of Science has firmly established itself among the other Faculties of Sciences in Czechia.
Parts of the Faculty of Science
- Department of Biology
- Department of Physics
- Department of Geography
- Department of Chemistry
- Department of Informatics
- Department of Mathematics
- Centre for Nanomaterials and Biotechnology
- Centre for Promotion of Science Education
In the framework of the departments, the Faculty offers over 17 study fields and combinations at three levels, both as full-time and combined study.

The faculty mission
The mission of the Faculty of Science is to encourage learning and develop knowledge in the fields of natural sciences. Its aim is to boost science and research base of UJEP in the field of natural sciences and acquire greater integration in the European research space and international cooperation network. The next task of the Faculty of Science is to provide higher education at all the three levels (Bachelor, Master, PhD.) both in natural sciences and close technical fields, and also for teachers of natural sciences subjects for the second stage of basic schools and for secondary schools. The faculty prepares graduates in such way that they can find good employment at the employment market, and at the same time, are able to engage in science research.
In the field of science and research, the faculty mainly focuses on computer physics, computer methods and simulations, the problem of methodology of molecular simulation and their application for problems of physics, chemistry and chemical engineering, modelling of energy processes in solar atmosphere with orientation towards eruption physics, further towards the physics of plasmas, plazmochemistry, physics of thin layers and surfaces, research of electrochemical biosensors for environment analysis, microbiology and biology of plants and animals, application geography, environmental geography, country ecology, country synthesis, country planning and instrumental methods in analytical chemistry.
Presentation of the Faculty of Science is also available on the portal CzechUniversities.com.
Why study with us?
Since its establishment, the Faculty of Science has been undergoing permanent dynamic development in both areas of its activities: both in the field of educating young generation, and in the field of science and research. The faculty is trying to profile as a faculty young in spirit, open to new trends, as a faculty which, besides funded background, offers its students individual approach and friendly atmosphere. But that’s not all – wherever you look, there are further offers of opportunities and advantages making student’s life pleasant.
- Motivating scholarships amounting up to 10,000 CZK per year
- Social bursaries
- Department scholarships and scholarship recognizing academic achievement
- Internet, wi-fi network
- Accommodation and boarding in close vicinity to the faculty
- Special library with study room and bookshop
- University club, video club, film club
- Gyms, fitness rooms, courts
- University consulting centre
- Balls, competitions and interesting offer of other socialising events and meetings
Life at the faculty
It flows, on the one hand, in peaceful pace of a dignified academic institution, and, on the other hand, rushes in a quick beat of students’ life, full of lectures, seminars and examinations abundantly interlaced with balls and other notable events. To put it short, the life of a higher education institution.
The Faculty offers to all its students individual approach, encouraging environment, and inexhaustible opportunities for fulfilling their potential. Not only for today’s students, but also and mainly for the prospective students, the faculty prepares regular events at which they can get acquainted (not only) with the activities of all departments. Here are, for example, Day of Science, faculty competitions and contests (very much enjoyed are volleyball tournaments, and, for example climbing tournament on artificial wall).
Our students have also many opportunities for informal meetings with their “fellow-travellers” and teachers during the whole study year.
It doesn’t do without sports
Our students have plenty of opportunities where to attend to sports and entertainment. They can find many University sports facilities directly in the student’s Halls of Residence or in their vicinity – gyms in Hall1 (Klíšská) and Hall 6 (Hoření) and fitness rooms in Hall 3 (Jateční), Hall 5 (Na Okraji), Hall 6 (Hoření) . Every Hall of Residence has a room for table tennis. The majority of playgrounds are in the vicinity of Hall 1 and the Faculty of Education in Klíše, you can here play volleyball, hockey ball, football tennis, football, basketball, tennis and beach volleyball. In Klíše Halls of Residence, students have reserved for them free of charge gym from Monday to Friday between 20 and 22 hours. In the gym of Hall 3, there are lessons of aerobics. Students can also make use of the sports hall of the Faculty of Education in the premises of České mládeže. They can register here at the University Sports Club Slavia and in the framework of single divisions attend to aerobics, basketball, beach volleyball, floorball, football, mountaineering, body-building, hiking, modern and sport gymnastics, and others. All these, under the leading of an experienced instructors or coach.
The sports hall of the Department of Education at UJEP is a multi-functional unit which disposes of spacious area, a hall for resistance exercises, fitness room, indoor athletics tracks, climbing wall, Boulder Bar. As part of the hall, there are classrooms and laboratory of functional diagnostics. In the premises of the Faculty of Education, there is also a gym for gymnastics, two sand playgrounds and a playground with artificial track surfacing. At certain hours, there is at their disposal a fitness room to which members of university sports club Slavia have free access, while other students either pay single charge or use time-limited pass. The university also owns training and recreation centre of Bukovina in Český Ráj Landscape park.