UJEP Student Grant Competition – Call for 2025
In accordance with the Rector’s Directive No.8/2023, the Dean of the Faculty of Science of the University of J. E. Purkyně announces a selection procedure within the framework of the Student Grant Competition of the UJEP for the support of specific university research projects carried out by students of doctoral or master’s degree programmes starting in 2025.
Applications for new projects are due by 10:00 a.m. on 13 January 2025.
Basic conditions of the competition:
- The proposer of the student grant project may be a student of a doctoral programme accredited at the Faculty of Arts of the Jagiellonian University or an academic employee of the Faculty of Science of UJEP.
- If the principal investigator is a doctoral student, the team member is always his/her supervisor or consultant.
- The duration of the student project is 1 to 3 years.
- The share of personal costs related to the participation of students (as members of the research team) in the total personal costs of the project is more than 75%.
- Mandatory project deliverables:
o Participation in an international conference/meeting/workshop, submission of an international project or joint publication in an international author collective.
o Submission of an external grant application (GAČR, TAČR, Horizon, COST, etc.): if the principal investigator is an AP, then always, if the principal investigator is a student, then only for two and three year projects.
Forms, guidelines, advice and recommendations can be found on the Faculty of Science website.