The T. G. Masaryk Primary School in Štětí is the new faculty school of the Faculty of Science
2424On January 23, 2025, a new elementary school was formally admitted to our faculty. T. G. Masaryk Elementary School in Štětí.
The cooperation with the T. G. Masaryk Elementary School in Štětí was concluded for the fields of physics, chemistry, informatics, natural science and geography for a period of 4 years until 2029. The certificate was officially handed over by the Dean of the Faculty of Science of UJEP doc. RNDr. Michal Varady, Ph.D., to the deputy director of the school Mgr. Zuzana Drožová.
Currently, 16 schools, 5 of which are primary schools, can boast the title “Faculty School of the Faculty of Science of UJEP”.
It is a great honour for us to welcome among them the T. G. Masaryk Elementary School in Štětí.