The Faculty of Science at UJEP organized a conference for high school students “Explore, Explore, Discover!”
On 12 November 2024, the Faculty of Science of J. E. Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem (UJEP) organised an inspiring event “Explore, Explore, Discover!”, which was attended by 80 students from six secondary schools and grammar schools from the Ústí nad Labem Region. The aim was to introduce young people to natural sciences and to strengthen their interest in studying teaching and the teaching profession in general, as well as in highly specialised fields such as Applied Nanotechnology. The event was held with the support of the Support Programme for the Development of Higher Education for 2024 – UJEP and the University prepared it in cooperation with the Economic and Social Council of the Ústí nad Labem Region (HSR-ÚK) and the Innovation Centre of the Ústí nad Labem Region (ICUK).
The introductory block “Explore, explore, discover!” logically introduced the host Faculty of Science and its focus. “We strive to ensure that young people have access to practical and theoretical experience in fields that today more than ever require qualified professionals and teachers,” said the Vice Dean for External and International Relations of the Faculty of Science of the Jagiellonian University, Regina Herma, Ph.D., pointing out that “The shortage of science teachers is a problem that has long-term implications for education and the future of the whole society. We believe that by inspiring and exposing young people to the real possibilities of these fields, we will get them excited about our programs and help them make their choices.”
The event was aimed at third and fourth year students of secondary schools and grammar schools with the aim of introducing them to university studies and motivating them to further their education. Special attention was also paid to the Applied Nanotechnology programme, which offers students the opportunity to work with materials at the nanometric level with applications in medicine, electronics or energy. This fast-growing field represents a promising way to participate in world-changing innovations and improve the quality of life.
“Applied nanotechnology plays a vital role in addressing global challenges today, so we feel it is important to expose students to the opportunities this field offers,” added Vice Dean Herma. “I am confident that this experience will help them see the future not only as an opportunity to learn, but as a chance to make a difference.”
Overall, the students rated the “Explore, Explore, Discover!” event as very beneficial and inspiring. They especially highlighted the opportunity to talk freely with university students about the functioning of the faculty and everyday studies, they also welcomed information about future careers and appreciated that some myths about studying teaching, which they are now considering as their future choice, were debunked. Many were interested in the opportunity to see physics from a new perspective (music in physics) and the excursion to the science library also generated great enthusiasm.