The first of a series of lectures on WE QUARRY took place at CPTO
The first of a series of lectures on “WE QUARRY” took place at CPTO
On Tuesday, December 3, we welcomed the curator of the MY LOMY exhibition, Zuzana Vařilová, Ph.D., from the Museum of the City of Ústí nad Labem, who presented in detail the project that led to the creation of the WE QUARRY exhibition. Thus we started the first of a series of accompanying lectures that complement the travelling exhibition.
The topic of the lecture was “Mapping and documentation of abandoned quarries in Bohemian Switzerland”. Dr. Vařilová focused mainly on the methods used, the experience gained, but mainly on the main outputs of the three-year interdisciplinary project “Database of old quarries and quarrying sites in the territory of the NP Bohemian Switzerland and the Protected Landscape Area Labská sandstones” (project TL05000407), The project was implemented between 2021 and 2023 and co-financed with the state support of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic under the ÉTA Programme. The listeners saw rich photo documentation of quarries and quarries and learned about the possibilities of using the information and knowledge in practice. The lecture also covered the hazards of old quarry walls and risk zoning.
The exhibition WE QUARRY can be viewed at the CPTO (Pasteurova 3632/15, 400 96 Ústí nad Labem) until 19 February 2025 from Monday to Saturday between 8:00-18:00, except for the Christmas holiday period from 22 December 2024 to 1 January 2025, when the building will be closed.