The new interdisciplinary PhD programme “Environmental and Biomaterial Sciences” is now open!

J. E. Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem has accredited an extraordinary doctoral programme in English. Its difficulty, interdisciplinarity and international scope make it exceptional not only for UJEP but also in the Czech higher education. The new study programme “Environmental and Biomaterial Sciences” focuses on breakthrough scientific knowledge and applications of modern materials in the fields of environmental and biomedical environment.

Almost two years of work by the Faculty of Environment (FŽP), Faculty of Science (PřF) of UJEP together with the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of the CAS, v. v. i., in Řež and the Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems IKTS (Dresden) to prepare a unique doctoral study programme in English has been crowned with successful accreditation. The programme builds on the already existing scientific cooperation of all the participating institutes, further deepening their links in the training of new scientists. In the form of specialised practical training, the programme will involve the Institute of Health based in Ústí nad Labem and the Masaryk Hospital Ústí nad Labem, o. z.

The programme will link existing scientific teams achieving long-term excellence in e.g. environmental chemistry, materials chemistry and physics, biochemistry, biotechnology or biomaterials into natural supra-faculty research and education structures.

“The programme is deliberately delivered in English, because already during their studies the students will be actively working in international teams and it is expected that the graduates will subsequently be involved in solving complex and complex multidisciplinary scientific research topics requiring the search for transnational solutions,” says the guarantor of the study programme Assoc. Prof. Jiří Orava from Faculty of Environment.

The clear environmental aspect of the doctoral programme is complemented by the application areas of “sustainable” technologies, circular economy, medicine, biotechnology, etc. “In order to successfully complete the programme, it will be necessary to demonstrate sufficient knowledge and practical skills in the fields of chemistry and physics of materials, biotechnology, and others,” specifies Assoc. Prof. Jiří Orava.

The study programme “Environmental and Biomaterial Sciences” is one of the first programmes at UJEP that is strictly interdisciplinary, links basic science with the application environment and extends the study programmes of both faculties involved (Faculty of Science and Faculty of Arts). The members of the expert team, and especially the supervisor, will reflect their long-term experience from scientific work abroad, as well as teaching and mentoring of selected students at excellent universities such as the University of Cambridge, Tohoku University, IFW Dresden, TU Dresden, KU Leuven, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, U.S. Food & Drug Administration, etc.

“The accreditation of this very modern, attractive PhD programme in biotechnology and biomaterials with a significant cross-border overlap is another great achievement that has resulted from the cooperation between our two faculties and from several years of contacts with colleagues from partner institutions in nearby Saxony. Its graduates will gain education and valuable work experience not only in the Czech but also in the German environment, only a few kilometres away in Saxony. The transnational dimension of the study will, of course, significantly increase the value of the new ‘PhDs’ on the labour market and make it easier for them to start their careers. I hope that the new experts in biotechnology and material sciences will contribute to the transformation of our region from an ‘assembly plant’ into a ‘think tank’ in the same way as it has been achieved in nearby Saxony,” adds the Dean of the Faculty of Science, Assoc. Prof.  Michal Varady.

An important part of the curriculum is the completion and acquisition of theoretical knowledge in the form of compulsory practical scientific teaching in specific specialized research and application laboratories. Many of them are based on the principles and standards of modern laboratories in the application sphere. Students will thus acquire the habits necessary for the transition to practice or R&D (“research and development”) departments and innovative companies.

The doctoral programme “Environmental and Biomaterial Sciences” differs from other doctoral programmes at UJEP by its consistent internationalisation, long-term foreign experience of teachers, openness, significantly multidisciplinary character and a higher than usual degree of individualisation and profiling.

“Interdisciplinarity is globally accepted as one of the most important areas of development in study programmes. Studies of a similar focus in terms of content and scope have not yet been accredited at UJEP. This study programme is a scientific challenge for young researchers at home and abroad. At the same time, it will have a very positive impact on the development and transformation of the Ústí Region, the University itself and the increased competitiveness of the Czech Republic. I would like to thank everyone who participated in its preparation,” recalls the Rector of UJEP, Assoc. Prof. Jaroslav Koutský.

The doctoral programme in English “Environmental and Biomaterial Sciences” is designed for ambitious students who want to study in a highly interdisciplinary programme at the interface of materials, biology and technology in close connection with the international research environment. The staffing builds on erudite teachers and their long experience of teaching at international institutions, with a good publication record, complemented by talented younger budding scientists.

The programme is supervised by Assoc. Prof. Jiří Orava, who has reflected his 12 years of experience from the top research and educational institutions of the University of Cambridge (Great Britain), Tohoku University (Japan), Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden (Germany) and from internships e.g. at the Institute of Physics, Beijing (China), National Institute for Materials Science, Tsukuba (Japan), or Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas, Institute of Chemical Engineering Sciences (Greece).

The Ph.D. programme “Environmental and Biomaterial Sciences” is open for applications from August 2, 2024 till September 2, 2024.

Detailed information about this new PhD programme and submission of applications is here.