Ústí nad Labem will host an international meeting
The International Academic Association on Planning, Law, and Property Rights (PLPR) will hold its 14th annual conference 17 – 21 February 2020 at Jan Evangelista Purkyne University (UJEP) in Ústí nad Labem, Czechia. The conference will be hosted by the Faculty of Social and Economic Studies and Faculty of Science.
Annual PLPR conferences provide an opportunity to present scholarship covering a broad array of topics residing at the intersection of planning, law, and/or property rights (such as land use regulation and governance, regional and local planning, urban development, etc.). We welcome any proposed presentation situated accordingly. In 2020, selected special sections and a key note will be devoted to the problem of fragmentation (of land, institutions and planning). The theme reflects the post-socialist Central European reality dealing with the enormous fragmentation of land ownership as well as responsibilities and rules regarding the use of (public) spaces.
More information: conference website.