Summer school for Bachelor´s students by Campus France Office

Campus France Office in the Czech Republic is offering again this year one grant to support Czech students who would like to register to the “French + Sciences programme”, a 3 to 4-week summer school (Summer 2025) focusing on:

  • Sustainable development / Montpellier
  • Energy and decarbonisation / Rouen
  • Outdoor sports / Chambéry
  • Sea sciences and technologies / Brest
  • Micro, Nano and Smart technologies for industrial application / Besançon

The targeted audience are bachelor’s students who have an interest in one of those topics and would like to start learning French or improve their level in French, while discovering a French region. No level in French is required: the whole scientific programme will be held in English, and the students will attend French courses 15 hours/week.

The deadline for application to the grant is March, 15th 2025. To apply, the interested students only have to send an email to the following address, with a CV and a cover letter: and to fill in the following application form:

Would it be possible for you to share this information with your students?

Please find attached the brochure for more details. You can also find more information on our website:

Here are the links to the social networks publications, please feel free to share them on your pages:

For other information contact:

Mathilde Lagarde

Vedoucí informační kanceláře Campus France v Praze – Vědecká a univerzitní sekce
Responsable Campus France République tchèque – Pôle scientifique et universitaire

+420 221 401 058

Francouzský institut v Praze Štěpánská 35, 111 21

Praha 1