The AI 4 Edu conference is currently underway.
How to effectively use artificial intelligence (AI) in education? What challenges and opportunities does AI bring to school classrooms? These are the questions addressed by the first annual AI 4 Edu conference, which we are organizing in cooperation with the AI for Children initiative. The conference is being held today, Tuesday, October 15, 2024, at the Campus and Faculty of Science of UJEP.
The conference offers a rich program including lectures by leading experts in the field of AI and education, practical workshops focused on the use of AI in various subjects and fields, a panel discussion on the future of education in the era of artificial intelligence, and of course networking and the opportunity to make new contacts.
Among the current experts on artificial intelligence in education who will be presenting themselves at UJEP is, for example, Eva Nečasová from the AI for Children initiative. Among other things, she will present the concept of the upcoming AI curriculum and introduce new developments in education in the field of AI. The concept of paired learning with artificial intelligence will be presented by Josef Šlerka from the New Media Studies Department of the Faculty of Arts of Charles University. A founding member of the Aignos association, Martin Richter, will provide practical advice for creating rules for using AI in teaching.
Medallions of all conference lecturers can be found here.
The conference is part of the nationwide AI Days organized by the Czech National AI Platform (CNAIP). It is open to teachers of all levels of education (primary, secondary, higher education), student teachers and other interested parties working in the education sector. Participation in the conference is free of charge for registered participants.
The program is part of activity B.3.13 EduPower: Platform of pedagogical excellence of the Ústí nad Labem Region of the RUR project – Region to universities, university of the region reg. no. CZ.10.02.01/00/22_002/0000210.