“Young waters run deep” calls fo abstracts
The conference “Young waters run deep” is a biannual conference organised by young water professionals for young engineers and university students. The conference takes place at the Faculty of Chemistry, Brno University of Technology on the 4th – 5 th September 2024. The deadline for abstract submission is 30th April 2024.
The main focus of the conference is on the integration of students and recent graduates into the water sector. The objectives of the conference include: transfer of knowledge and experience, introduction of current trends and networking between students, early career professionals and senior experts.
Last but not least, the conference aims to meet the needs of novice speakers from among students, as this is very often the first experience of attending a conference or presenting to a large audience, which is wha YWP CZ incentive prizes are awarded for the best lecture and best poster presentation.
For this year´s edition, authors can also submit their papers in English (in addition to Czech and Slovak). The conference looks forward to the presence of international students and therefore the English-language submissions will form o coherent block accessible to a wider audience.
The conference “Young waters run deep” accepts abstracts where the main author´s age will be 35 years or less at the time of the event (other authors over 35 years old may be listed). There will be 2 options for presenting your paper at the conference: presentation (15 minutes) or poster.
Papers can be focused on a wide range of topics:
- Architecture and water
- Blue-green infrasturcture
- Contamination and water protection
- Design and water structures
- Digitisation of the water sector
- Drought
- Education in the water sector
- Engineering networks
- Environmental protection
- Flood protection
- Grey water
- Hydraulics
- Hydroanalytics
- Hydrobiology and microbiology
- Hydrogeology
- Hydrology
- Industrial water
- Landscape engineering
- Mathematical modelling
- Meteorology and climatology
- Municipal and urban water management
- Rainwater
- Sludge management
- Smart technology
- Sustainability and carbon footprint
- Value of water
- Wastewater treatment
- Water for special applications
- Water in agriculture
- Water in food production
- Water in space
- Water in energy sector
- Water in the soil
- Water policy and ethics
- Water recycling
- Water sector cyber security
- Water treatment, and other topics related to the water sector.
For more details go to the website of IWA Young Water Professionals Czech Republic.